Friday, October 11, 2013

Tapping into the Second Screen World

In my previous post I talked about how the second screen world is exploding and mentioned how it opens up so many opportunities for marketers to take advantage of. rEvolution, a sports marketing and media agency in Chicago, has developed new technology to help sponsors and marketers take advantage of these opportunities and communicate to this audience. It's call Social Assist powered by Tracx. According to John Rowady, president of rEvolution, "the Tracx social platform allows us to get more data - faster and in more useful formats - to speed analysis and enable recommendations that are more immediately actionable by our clients' community managers." rEvolution performed a study about the US Open using Social Assist and the findings were amazing. 
  • Out of the 1,198,675 posts and 274,076 conversations that were going on in the social media world about the US Open, a sponsor was only mentioned 7% of the time!!!!!!
If you really think about it, that's crazy!! You can really see the opportunity that the second screen world is providing. There is so much conversation going on by way of various social media platforms, that marketers really need to look at this and find good, unique, and impressionable ways to tap into these conversations. You can't just throw ads at people or interrupt their conversations with annoying commercials or pointless videos. With rEvoultion's new technology they can help sponsors do just that. 

So #unidigadv marketing majors think about it. How do your think we can take advantage of these opportunities and tap into the conversations?


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