Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A "Second Screen" World

Your sitting on the couch, in your favorite chair, or on the floor and your watching your favorite show, a movie, or the big game on TV. While watching are you really paying full attention or are your on your phone, computer, or tablet as well? If you are, then you're participating in what as known to be the Second Screen movement or having a second screen experience. The number of people today on their smartphone, computer, or tablet checking various social media sites, texting, or browsing while they're watching TV has grown substantially in recent years. According to artistoworks.com's article "Sofamedia":

  • 85% of surveyed mobile phone owners report having a second screen experience at least once a month
  • 60% say they have a second screen experience at least once a week
  • 39% of those surveyed have a second screen experience daily

So it's safe to say that we are forming into a second screen world. I can attest to this as well. Currently as I am writing this post, I also have my TV on watching the Dan Patrick show. And I can't count the amount of times that I have been watching an NFL game or college sport and I'm continually checking my fantasy football or twitter to see what conversations are going on about the games. This is what the second screen movement is all about. In a way the movement has been going viral for a while now, but with more and more people with smartphones it has gained more attention. For marketers this opens up a whole new wave of opportunities for brands to access these conversations and the second screen movement. But how? How are us marketers going to take advantage of these opportunities? Now that's a good question. Stay tuned for more to come.


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