Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day!

Veterans Day is a day to honor and celebrate the past, present, and future service men and women who make the ultimate sacrifice for their country. It's a day that we as Americans thank those in the armed forces and their families for what they do and everything that they endure to protect the right, liberties, and pursuit of happiness that Americans hold so dear. With out them we could quite possibly live in a different world and not have many of the things that we cherish in life.

Today has special meaning and I am so thankful to have served this great country. I am very thankful for all the great men and women that I have had the opportunity to serve with and under and to fight for our freedoms. I am remembered each and everyday of how short life can be each and every time I look at the bracelet I wear on my wrist to honor one of my fallen brothers, SPC Donald L. Nichols. He and the many men that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country are true heroes and are men that I greatly consider my heroes. I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to those who have gone down range and performed the job that few sign up to do. Remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice and thank any and all veterans that you encounter daily.

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